This Blog is created to spread the Skinhead culture,upload CDs, texts, and a bit of everything that surrounds the scene. We are against political content.

Mar 21, 2011

Perkele - No Shame

Here we have perkele, band Oi! from Gothenburg (Sweden)

1 - A Song For You
2 - Gone Too Far
3 - Got Enough
4 - Heart Full Of Pride
5 - Here To Stay
6 - I Believe
7- Liar
8 - No Shame
9 - The Day Has Come
11 - Voice Of Anger
12 - Yellow & Blue

Mar 17, 2011

VA - Strength Thru Oi! (1981)

1. Garry Johnson - National Service
2. 4-Skins - 1984
3. The Strike - Gang Warfare
4. Infa Riot - Riot Riot
5. Garry Johnson - Dead End Yobs
6. Last Resort - Working Class Kids
7. Criminal Class - Blood On the Streets
8. Toy Dolls - She Goes To Fino's
9. Barney Rubble - Best Years Of Our Lives
10. Cock Sparrer - Taken For A Ride (We Think You Don't)
11. Infa Riot - We Outnumber You
12. Garry Johnson - New Face Of Rock 'N' Roll
13. Barney Rubble - Beans
14. The Splodge - We're Pathetique
15. 4-Skins - Sorry
16. Cock Sparrer - Running Riot
17. Last Resort - Johnny Barden
18. The Splodge - Isubaleene (Part 2)
19. Criminal Class - Running Away
20. The Strike - Skinhead
21. Toy Dolls - Deidre's A Slag
22. Shaven Heads - Harbour Mafia Mantra (An Acapella Delight)

Mar 16, 2011

The Protest - From Protest To Resistence!


And continue with the protest, band Oi! Sharp, with great songs like Fuck the Rash.

03-Antifascist skin
06-Dovyvame scet
07-Dite ulice
08-Jamaica ska
10-Fuck the RASH
12-Svaty valecnik
16-Iron chin
17-KDE ste Boli
18-Modra planeta
19-Sporadani obcani

Mar 15, 2011

Close Shave - Oi! kinnock give us back our rose

Opening up the blog with this legendary British band Oi! with lyrics and patriotic attitudes

01-Oi! kinnock give us back our rose
03-Telly addict
04-Sunday sport
05-Stick to your guns
06-Rather be down the pub
07-British land
08-The law
09-Don't take the piss
10-When the weekend comes
11-Rockin' with fluffly
12-Singalong a shave